Tools for Ethical Hacker

Hacking tools can be dangerous in the wrong hands. But, they can be just as useful for a good ethical hacker too!  Hacking tools are specialized tools that deal with various aspects of hacking. These include web proxies, vulnerability scanners, firewalls, web vulnerability scanners and others. 

Hacking tools have been said to make hacking quite easy as compared to the old days. But, there is still more to being a hacker than just that. Yes, these tools have made it simple, but that is nothing unless you have the knowledge about other aspects of hacking as well. We present tp you a set of must-have hacking tools.

Wireless Hacking: These are tools that help you hack into wireless networks. Wireless hacking tools though useful, do not make you a complete hacker. In order to achieve that, you must learn the different ways in which a secure network can be accessed. Also, you should work on making your own network as secure as possible.

1. Aircrack-ng

2. Kismet 

3. inSSIDer

4. KisMAC 

Intrusion Detection Systems: Intrusion detection tools are one of the most important part of any security arrangement. They allow you to detect those threats that are potentially dangerous for your system.

1. Snort 

2. NetCop 

Port Scanners

1. Nmap 

2. Superscan 

3. Angry IP Scanner 

Encryption Tools: In an age where more and more governments are being found spying on their own citizens, encryption is the word of the day. These tools allow you to encrypt your data so that even if someone does get through, they can’t get to the data easily.

1. TrueCrypt 

2. OpenSSH 

3. Putty 

4. OpenSSL 

5. Tor 

6. OpenVPN 

7. Stunnel 

8. KeePass 

Password Crackers: The name is pretty self explanatory in this case. These tools help you recover passwords from the data that a computer system is storing or transmitting over a network.

1. Ophcrack 

2. Medusa 

3. RainbowCrack 

4. Wfuzz 

5. Brutus 

6. L0phtCrack 

7. fgdump 

8. THC Hydra 

9. John The Ripper 

10. Aircrack - Aircrack is 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program.

11. Cain and Abel 

Packet Crafting: Packet crafting is the technique through which an attacker finds vulnerabilities or entry points within your firewall. These tools help you achieve that more easily.

1. Hping 

2. Scapy 

3. Netcat 

4. Yersinia 

5. Nemesis 

6. Socat 

Traffic Monitoring: These are tools that let you monitor what websites your employees or children are monitoring. 

1. Splunk 

2. Nagios 

3. P0f 

4. Ngrep 

Packet Sniffers: These are tools that can allow you to capture and visualise the traffic that is coming on your website.

1. Wireshark 

2. Tcpdump 

3. Ettercap 

4. dsniff 

5. EtherApe 

Vulnerability Exploitation: These are the tools that you would use in order to gain access to various places.

1. Metasploit 

2. sqlmap 

3. sqlninja 

4. Social Engineer Toolkit 

5. NetSparker 

6. BeEF 

7. Dradis

Vulnerability Scanners: These are programs that have been designed to asses a computer or network’s vulnerability to attacks. The functionality of these tools varies from one to the other, but they all present a detailed analysis of how vulnerable your system is.

1. Nessus

2. OpenVAS

3. Nipper

4. Secunia PSI

5. Retina

6. QualysGuard

7. Nexpose

Web Vulnerability Scanners: While vulnerability scanners are meant for your system, web vulnerability scanners assess the vulnerability of web applications. The identify the security vulnerabilities that your app may have through various tests.

1. Burp Suite

2. WebScarab

3. Websecurify

4. Nikto

5. w3af

Web Proxies: Proxies were originally created in order to add encapsulation to distributed systems. The client contacts a proxy server in order to request an item that exists on your server.

1. Paros

2. Fiddler

3. Ratproxy

4. sslstrip

Rootkit Detectors: This tool is a file and directory integrity checker. It verifies if a file is trustworthy and informs the user if found otherwise.

1. AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment)

Firewalls: You obviously know what a Firewall is. These monitor and control the traffic in your network, whether incoming or outgoing. They are essential security tools that are used by the most novice to the most advanced users.

1. Netfilter

2. PF: OpenBSD Packet Filter

Fuzzers: The concept of fuzzing is usually put to use in order to test the security vulnerabilities of computer systems or in the software that runs on them.

1. skipfish

2. Wfuzz

3. Wapiti

4. W3af

Forensics: This refers to tools that are used for computer forensic. They are used in order to find evidence that is existing in computer systems.

1. Sleuth Kit

2. Helix

3. Malteg0

4. Encase

Debuggers: These are tools that are used in order to write exploits, reverse engineer binary files and to analyse malware.

1. GDB

2. Immunity Debugger

Hacking Operating Systems: These are operating systems that have been designed specifically for hackers. These distros are preloaded with tools that a hacker needs etc.

1. Backtrack 5r3

2. Kali Linux

3. SELinux

4. Knoppix

5. BackBox Linux

6. Pentoo

7. Matriux Krypton

8. NodeZero

9. Blackbuntu

10. Samurai Web Testing Framework


12. CAINE (Computer Aided Investigative Environment)

13. Bugtraq

14. DEFT

15. Helix

Other Hacking Tools: There are also other miscellaneous hacking tools that are often used by hackers. They can’t be put into a particular category, but they are still quite useful.

1. Netcat

2. Traceroute


4. Dig

5. cURL 
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Milan Tomic

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